Frequently Asked Questions

When we first started out we had to choose beneficiaries but since 2018 we have been lucky enough to include everyone that applies. We believe all animals deserve spoils regardless of which shelter they ended up at

Applications open in March and close in May for that year. We are unable to accept late applications.

2021 sees us supporting 152 charities across South Africa

You can make a financial pledge, or donate R200 via our Facebook page.

Facebook sponsorship is where you pledge R200, eft it to us, and we shop and pack the gift and deliver it with your name on the tag. You get to choose the specific animal (and charity) that get’s the gift.

Pledging is where you pledge a gift online, you shop and pack this gift yourself and drop it off at one of our collection points by the due date. You cannot specify the animal nor the charity that these gifts go to, we distribute them based on contents, shelters wishlists and our logistics.

We don’t pay staff and currently have a small team of volunteers running all the admin and an amazing team of elves shopping and delivering the parcels all over SA.


South Africa

Cat: 0 pledged of 345
Dog: 0 pledged of 345
Kitten: 0 pledged of 245
Puppy: 0 pledged of 245
Financial: R850.00 pledged of R45000.00

Financial: R33080.00 received of R850.00 pledged